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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Solution To World Wide Problems Is Simpler Than You Might Think

The Solution To World Wide Problems Is Simpler Than You Might Think

Christina Kochanski November 22, 2013

Christina Kochanski was a member of Wilde Lake’s Class of 2013. She is currently enrolled at the University of Notre Dame. She first became interested in Neglected Tropical Diseases in her Common Human...

Students Facing Rejection Find Comfort in Numbers

Students Facing Rejection Find Comfort in Numbers

Christina Kochanski May 23, 2013

Senior Lauren Marshall was turned down by her dream college, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Upon receiving the decision in mid-March, her immediate reaction was surprise and disappointment. Marshall’s...

A Detention Should Not Mean Public Humiliation

A Detention Should Not Mean Public Humiliation

Christina Kochanski May 23, 2013

When students break school rules by cutting class or being disruptive, the administration responds by giving those students detention. It appears to be a fair punishment. But these students do not...

Turf fields have already replaced most practice fields in Howard County.

Turf Fields to Take Root in Stadium Next Fall

Christina Kochanski May 23, 2013

Construction will begin on a turf field for Wilde Lake this summer, according to Activities and Athletics Manager Mr. Parnell. Football, soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey teams will be able to play...

Administration Tightens Security without Alarming Students

Administration Tightens Security without Alarming Students

Christina Kochanski March 25, 2013

After the incidents at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Lone Star College, and Price Middle School, it can feel as if the country is being swept by an epidemic of violence. It is only natural, then, that...

Let People Be Who They Are

Let People Be Who They Are

Christina Kochanski March 25, 2013

He was a good boy scout. He earned all his badges when he was supposed to. He attended every campout and always stayed after to help clean up. He volunteered whenever his schedule would let him and...

The On and Off-Field Struggles of the Athletic Scholarship

Christina Kochanski January 24, 2013

Playing The Numbers Game Senior Nick Wright wants to become a professional baseball player. But before that happens, Wright is counting on an athletic scholarship to get him onto a college’s varsity...

While the National Hockey League dealt with lockout, minor league tickets remained cheap. Hockey fans were able to watch their favorite NHL. Photograph by Christina Kochanski.

Minor League Games Provide Opportunity to See NHL Players in Action During Lockout

Christina Kochanski January 24, 2013

The National Hockey League season was saved when the league’s owners and players reached a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on January 6. The lockout came into effect on September 15 and resulted...

We Want Advisory Back

We Want Advisory Back

Christina Kochanski January 24, 2013

We didn’t react to the removal of Advisory with protests or mass demonstrations. While this could make it seem like we are indifferent to the decision, it is actually a reflection of our belief that...

Apprehension Surrounds Future Testing

Christina Kochanski November 24, 2012

Students will be hit by a new wave of standardized tests, featuring both multiple-choice questions and numerous writing pieces, in 2014. According to the Maryland State Department of Education (MDSE),...

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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School