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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 2024 -- Junior Autumn Wilkerson receives her late pass after scanning her Synergy QR code. According to administration, having students sign in with their QR codes provides more accurate data on student attendance.

Decline in Student Attendance Challenges Administration

Amy Manzanares and Bella Horvath April 9, 2024

After the Covid-19 pandemic, administration has implemented new policies in response to a decline in student attendance. According to the Maryland State Department of Education, 37% of Wilde Lake students...

FEBRUARY 6, 2024 -- HCASC president Allie Liu (left), Hemant Kantheti (left), and Cristian Allen (right) discuss the budget plan.

Budget Slash Leads to Overcrowded Classrooms

Next school year, core class sizes at the middle and high school levels will increase across the county. This is just one major impact of the Board of Education’s recent decision to cut staffing and...

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, February 29, 2024 -- Ms. Leonard and Angel Castro take a picture as he walks across the Merriweather stage.

Ms. Leonard Takes Group of Seniors on Goal Setting Field Trip

William Brown and Amy Manzanares April 9, 2024

Forty-four Wilde Lake seniors were taken to Merriweather Post Pavilion for a goal setting field trip and a paid lunch, hosted by Principal Ms. Marcy Leonard on February 28th. The students were invited...

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 -- Ramsey Jenkins, a sixth year ALS student, and Assistant Principal Mr. Sillers sing Be Our Guest, from Disney’s "Beauty and the Beast" at A lunch. Their performances happen daily. Ramsey says singing on the microphone with Mr. Sillers is the best part of his day.

ALS Program Creates Pathways to Opportunities for Students

Arielle Levine April 9, 2024

For most of her life, junior Katie Yarrish witnessed her family grapple with the uncertainty of the future for her brother Ross, a fifth year ALS student at the Lake. Now, Katie says her family finally...

Aisha Morillo (right) and her best friend (center) are photographed with their fourth grade teacher (left). When Aisha turned 13, she was forced to leave the life she knew and her friends in Venezuela because of death threats towards her family.

Aisha Morillo, 11th grade, Venezuela

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 28, 2023

Junior Aisha Morillo was forced to leave her once calm life in Venezuela after political troubles. The “corrupt” Venezuelan government made it necessary for her to leave the country, she says. “Militaries...

Zulma Aguilar (center) and her two sisters in El Salvador. Zulma’s younger sister stayed in El Salvador while her and her older sister moved to America.

Zulma Aguilar, 12th grade, El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

Senior Zulma Aguilar’s life in El Salvador was completely thrown off when her family began to receive death threats. Her family decided the best thing they could do was immigrate to America. When...

Renato Serrano and his mom photographed in El Salvador. They moved to Florida when Renato was 10 because his mom received a job opportunity. Renato moved with his mom and two brothers.

Renato Serrano, 10th grade, El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

At just ten years old, sophomore Renato Serrano left the life he knew in El Salvador. Renato left his dad and his grandma in El Salvador when he moved to Florida in the fifth grade. He flew to America...

Muchos de los estudiantes de Wilde Lake han emigrado de otros paĂ­ses del mundo. Aisha Morillo emigrĂł de Venezuela a una edad temprana, mientras que Renato Serrano y Zulma Agullar emigraron de El Salvador.

Tres inmigrantes reflexionan sobre sus vidas pasadas y sus crecimientos

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

En el salĂłn 310 se sienta un grupo de estudiantes llenos de historias de crecimiento dentro de los Estados UnĂ­dos. Muchos de estos estudiantes fueron obligados a abandonar sus paĂ­ses de origen por diversas...

Zulma Aguilar (izquierda) con su hermana y su tĂ­a en El Salvador. Zulma se vino a los Estados Unidos con su hermana mayor.

Zulma Aguilar, 12 grado, de El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

La vida de Zulma Aguilar en El Salvador fue completamente arruinada cuando su familia comenzĂł a recibir amenazas de muerte. Su familia decidiĂł que lo mejor que podĂ­an hacer era emigrar a los Estados...

Aisha Morillo, su hermana, mayor, y su mamá en una playa en Venezuela. Cuando Aisha se mudó a los Estados Unídos, tuvo que dejar a su mamá y a su hermana. Su hermana no pudo cruzar la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos.

Aisha Morillo, 11 grado, de Venezuela

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

Aisha Morillo fue obligada a dejar su vida en Venezuela después de que su familia fue acosada. El "corrupto" gobierno venezolano le obligó a abandonar el país. “Los militares amenazaban de muerte...

Renato Serrano (izquierda) y sus dos hermanos en El Salvador. Cuando su mamá recibió una oportunidad para el trabajo, Renato y su familia se mudaron a Florida.

Renato Serrano, 10 grado, de El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

Con apenas diez años, Renato Serrano dejó su vida conocida en El Salvador. Renato dejó a su papá y a su abuela en El Salvador cuando se mudó a Florida en el quinto grado. Voló a los Estados Unidos...

Gay Straight Alliance members and juniors Tommy Heffner and Sabrina Yastuake walk through Main Street with the progress flag on their backs. Through Wilde Lake’s inclusive environment, they bond over their shared identity. This community earned Wilde Lake the Rainbow Ribbon.

Ms. Bailey Leads School in Earning Rainbow Ribbon Award

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 19, 2023

Media specialist Ms. Annora Bailey grew up in a world full of bias. She hid throughout her childhood. Now, she wonders how different her life would be if she had been given the opportunities and support...

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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School