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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, DECEMBER 17, 2024 - Two HCPSS students celebrate the winter holiday during a YMCA meeting.

After-school community program serves critical needs

Kristian Smith, Staff Writer February 25, 2025

Club Wilde Lake is an after-school club that offers free programs to prepare students for academic and social success. At least one clubs meets every day at the Slayton House in the Wilde Lake village...

Caturday Study Halls were often packed with students taking advantage of the opportunity to work on assignments and bond with friends at the same time. So many students would come to the study halls that students began to sit on the floor. PHOTO COURTESY OF @HCPSS_WLHS

Lessons from Ms. Leonard

Michelle Boukanov, Molly Eagan, and Liz Cho November 19, 2024

Since our freshmen year, Wilde Lake has been our Ohana. Ms. Marcy Leonard ran events like Caturday Study Halls and Community Nights so students could connect with their community. This year, when we walked...

GAITHERSBURG, MD, MAY 10, 2024 - Coach Saquan Maxwell gives midfielder Riyadh Assani words of encouragement as he comes off of the field during the Boys' Varsity Lacrosse regional semifinals.

More Than a Coach: Saquan Maxwell Inspires Teens with PUSH Program

Talik Butler, Writer May 16, 2024

When he was a Wilde Lake student, Saquan Maxwell used a four-letter word to help him persevere through high school and beyond: PUSH.  Now, as a Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Coach and a part of Wilde Lake...

Many of the students at Wilde Lake have immigrated from other countries throughout the world. Aisha Morillo immigrated from Venezuela at a young age, while Renato Serrano and Zulma Agullar immigrated from El Salvador.

Three Immigrants Reflect on Their Past Lives and How They’ve Grown

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 29, 2023

In Room 310 sits a group of students full of stories of growth within America. Many of these students were forced to leave their home countries for various reasons. Wilde Lake’s ESOL program welcomes...

Wilde Lake students pictured in the 1976 yearbook. Since Wilde Lake opened in 1971, the school has focused on community, which Advisory helped build. (Photo courtesy of "The Glass Hour" staff)

Advisory Can be Possible

Zoe MacDiarmid, Editor-in-Chief May 16, 2023

When Advisory was cut down to three days a week in November, I figured that would be the last of the changes to it.  However, on Monday, March 20th, it was officially announced to the school that Advisory...

The Wilde Lake Wellness Center offers brochures covering topics like exercise, stress, sleep, vaping, alcohol, and bullying for high schoolers.

From Contraception to Inhalers, School-Based Wellness Center Aims to Meet Students’ Needs

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief February 9, 2023

In 2017, a School-Based Wellness Center was introduced to Wilde Lake to support students’ health and well-being. Wilde Lake is the only Howard County high school in the Wellness Center Program. The program...

On Saturday at 8:30 AM, thirty minutes before customers can come, Ms. Kirk (left) and a volunteer, Mr. Jacques Moutome (right), plan how they will organize the tables.

Columbia Community Care Grows to Meet Community Needs

Zoe MacDiarmid, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2022

On March 11, 2020, Wilde Lake High School Spanish teacher Erika Chavarria posted a tweet: “If they close HCPSS I volunteer to run meals to students and families who are in need, or help in locations...

Mr. Bell helping junior Alaijah Reed-Wright with schoolwork.

Providing Support and Safety in School Remains Priority

Joseph Ortiz-Rivera and Greta Giuliano November 15, 2022

When a student is having a bad day or struggling in school, who supports them? While there are many supports available at Wilde Lake like Beyond School Hours and Advisory, behind all of those are the...

Shrek sitting on top of the wildecat.

Wilde Lake Is Like an Onion

Lee Lewis December 15, 2021

“They judge me before they even know me,” said Shrek. This quote, from the movie Shrek, always reminds me of Wilde Lake High School. Wilde Lake has a reputation for things like low achieving students...

Advisory Reboot Gets Slow Start

Advisory Reboot Gets Slow Start

Yasmin Roach, Staff Editor November 29, 2021

This year, Wilde Lake rebooted its Advisory program, a daily, 20-minute period to be used for community building, distributing materials, and giving information to students. But whether the program has...

“Vaccine Angel” Anna Boyer Helps 87 Find Vaccines

“Vaccine Angel” Anna Boyer Helps 87 Find Vaccines

Ian Cruz June 6, 2021

Of the 5,572,782 people vaccinated in Maryland, according to the Maryland Department of Health, Anna Boyer, Wilde Lake alumna, helped 87 get appointments. As vaccines started to roll out and young...

Michelle Enomanna in front of the school. She recently launched her campaign for Secretary of Treasury. (Photo courtesy of Michelle Enomanna)

Wilde Lake Community Combats Racism in the Classroom

Ian Cruz, Writer May 4, 2021

When Michelle Enomanna walked into her first high school GT class, she felt out of place. The very first thing she noticed was that she was only one of five Black or Brown students in a class of over 20. What...

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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School