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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Star of David or known in Hebrew as a Magen David (shield of David) has long existed as the symbol for Judaism and can be cited back to the 12th century text of the Eshkol ha-Kofer, a work on the Ten Commandments. It was first used by Jewish printers to separate themselves from their competitors by marking their ancestry. During the Holocaust, the Star of David carried a new weight as the symbol on the badge Jews were forced to wear to be identified across Nazi Germany. Many Jewish people now wear the star with pride around their neck.

Another Year of Antisemitism Proves Words have Power

Arielle Levine and Lauren Kelly January 5, 2023

They say, “Don’t let history repeat itself.” The Holocaust ended 77 years ago. It started with words of hatred against the Jewish people. It did not start with the horror it is often remembered...

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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School