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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print


Aisha Morillo (right) and her best friend (center) are photographed with their fourth grade teacher (left). When Aisha turned 13, she was forced to leave the life she knew and her friends in Venezuela because of death threats towards her family.

Aisha Morillo, 11th grade, Venezuela

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 29, 2023

Junior Aisha Morillo was forced to leave her once calm life in Venezuela after political troubles. The “corrupt” Venezuelan government made it necessary for her to leave the country, she says. “Militaries...

Zulma Aguilar (center) and her two sisters in El Salvador. Zulma’s younger sister stayed in El Salvador while her and her older sister moved to America.

Zulma Aguilar, 12th grade, El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 26, 2023

Senior Zulma Aguilar’s life in El Salvador was completely thrown off when her family began to receive death threats. Her family decided the best thing they could do was immigrate to America. When...

Renato Serrano and his mom photographed in El Salvador. They moved to Florida when Renato was 10 because his mom received a job opportunity. Renato moved with his mom and two brothers.

Renato Serrano, 10th grade, El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 26, 2023

At just ten years old, sophomore Renato Serrano left the life he knew in El Salvador. Renato left his dad and his grandma in El Salvador when he moved to Florida in the fifth grade. He flew to America...

Zulma Aguilar (izquierda) con su hermana y su tía en El Salvador. Zulma se vino a los Estados Unidos con su hermana mayor.

Zulma Aguilar, 12 grado, de El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

La vida de Zulma Aguilar en El Salvador fue completamente arruinada cuando su familia comenzó a recibir amenazas de muerte. Su familia decidió que lo mejor que podían hacer era emigrar a los Estados...

Aisha Morillo, su hermana, mayor, y su mamá en una playa en Venezuela. Cuando Aisha se mudó a los Estados Unídos, tuvo que dejar a su mamá y a su hermana. Su hermana no pudo cruzar la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos.

Aisha Morillo, 11 grado, de Venezuela

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

Aisha Morillo fue obligada a dejar su vida en Venezuela después de que su familia fue acosada. El "corrupto" gobierno venezolano le obligó a abandonar el país. “Los militares amenazaban de muerte...

Renato Serrano (izquierda) y sus dos hermanos en El Salvador. Cuando su mamá recibió una oportunidad para el trabajo, Renato y su familia se mudaron a Florida.

Renato Serrano, 10 grado, de El Salvador

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief December 25, 2023

Con apenas diez años, Renato Serrano dejó su vida conocida en El Salvador. Renato dejó a su papá y a su abuela en El Salvador cuando se mudó a Florida en el quinto grado. Voló a los Estados Unidos...

The wildecat statue, built out of paper-mache by then-senior Kurt
Muller in 1998, sits outside of the media center.

The Spirit of Wilde Lake in a Statue

Lee Lewis and Arielle Levine June 15, 2022

At the heart of the school, a ferocious wildecat is ready to pounce, bearing its teeth, waiting for students to pass it as they walk by the media center. Now, students are greeted by the cat as they walk...

Students playing cards in Ms. Sweitzer’s advisory

Creating a Better Wilde Lake is Up To Us

Greta Giuliano, Staff Editor June 14, 2022

Every day, I see kids breaking the rules. Whether it’s skipping class, leaving campus for lunch, or any of the other rules for our safety and education, people are breaking them every day.  We...

Google makes Meet App free for all users.

Online Learning: Is it Really Working?

Amaiya Sancho, Sports Editor, Arts Editor May 29, 2020

It’s Thursday, 1:45pm, and you’re waiting for your teacher to finish up their last thought just before the end of class. Now your week of Google Meets is over, but now you have to make sure you turn...

Those on the Front Lines

Those on the Front Lines

Carly Damian, Writer May 21, 2020

With a packed schedule all day long, the emotions and personal lives of healthcare workers can easily be forgotten about. Nicole Stanley, a nurse for children in Pennsylvania, says, “I love being...

Family celebrates a birth announcement.

While Pandemic Disrupts Everyday Life, Some Find Ways to Celebrate Milestones

Ayonna Ramey, Writer May 21, 2020

COVID 19- has disrupted everyday life; daily routines have been interrupted and major life events are being delayed. According to the CDC, Maryland has had nearly 36,000 COVID-19 cases as of May 14. Gatherings...

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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School