A Peek Behind the Curtain: “Clue” Crew Prepares for Opening Night

After months of preparation, Wilde Lake’s stage production of the board game “Clue.” Six unsuspecting D.C. inhabitants are brought to the luxurious Boddy Manor one stormy, long, murderous night. And the audience is left to figure out: Whodunit? 

A week before opening night this Thursday, the 18th, actors took the stage for dress rehearsals. But behind the scenes, the crew was hammering in the last nails, sewing on the final rhinestones, and touching up the sets.

Alex Goco, a junior on his third show, says he is ready for opening night. “It is such a relief to finally have everything done,” he said. “There are times backstage where I’m just grinning. I feel like my pride inflates like a balloon when I know I’m one of the reasons something looks that good.”