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The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Wilde Lake High School

The Paw Print


COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 25, 2025-A student waits outside the gender neutral bathroom. One of the stalls is out of order.

Wilde Lake’s problematic gender neutral bathrooms

Tess Groen, Writer February 26, 2025

Wilde Lake has a bathroom problem. For a school of over 1000 students, we have 40 gendered stalls, but only two gender neutral. Three, if you count the nurse’s bathroom. There simply aren’t enough...

Our trans friends need our support during Trump presidency

Tess Groen, Staff Writer February 26, 2025

When America elected Donald Trump into office, they elected an out-and-proud transphobe. With his election, the transgender community is panicking, and rightfully so. Trump’s public and consistent...

School fights fueled by student indifference

Liz Cho, Editor February 26, 2025

Ding! My phone rings with yet another video of a school fight. Too often, a fight breaks out in the hallways of Wilde Lake High School. Even if I don’t watch the fight, I always know it happened because...

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 14, 2025 - The Wilde Lake village center
offers students places to eat and socialize.
Students could sit down and eat during
lunch time in the village center with an
open campus.

Let seniors eat lunch at Wilde Lake village center

Miles Anderson, Staff Writer February 25, 2025

The Wilde Lake village center bustles with familiar shops and restaurants for people to visit. Unfortunately, the students of Wilde Lake are confined to a cramped lunch period in the cafeteria, unable...

Colleen Hoover’s books have dominated the New York Times bestseller
list, according to the Wall Street Journal despite writing problematic
stories surrounding abuse and unhealthy relationships.

Colleen Hoover misleads young readers by romanticizing abuse

Caroline Sorensen, Web Editor, Photo Editor, Multimedia Editor February 25, 2025

Author Colleen Hoover continuously fails to take romance, domestic violence, and drug use seriously, leaving her impressionable teenage audience with an unhealthy understanding of love. Hoover has written...

COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, FEBRUARY 3, 2025 - My closet is full to the brim with clothes I never wear. The hangers have little to no space to move, yet I keep my unworn clothing anyway.

Undressing fast fashion: Stop buying trendy clothes you don’t need

Michelle Boukanov, Staff Editor February 25, 2025

My closet is filled to the brim with sweaters that push the door open. My t-shirt closet is so compact that the hangers no longer slide on the rack. Even with this, the ten items in my online shopping...

Social media apps are preying on teen FOMO

Social media apps are preying on teen FOMO

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief February 25, 2025

From my bed, I can take a trip to another continent, watch what’s happening across the country, and go to a party. I watch other people interact on Instagram and TikTok, and suddenly, I find myself wishing...

My refrigerator is stocked with my favorite energy drink, Alani Nu.

Sip of death: How energy drinks are killing me, literally

Molly Eagan, Editor February 25, 2025

The hiss of my can being opened echoes around my silent classroom. It’s like clockwork: As the late bell sounds at 7:50, I am already opening up my daily energy drink and taking a refreshing sip. Whether...

According to AIPRM, 60.6% of teachers interviewed by Forbes have integrated AI into their daily teaching. This means over half of teachers try to use AI in a way that is beneficial to students in the learning 

You are using ChatGPT wrong

Miles Anderson, Staff Writer February 25, 2025

For many, the words artificial intelligence (AI) set off immediate red flags. Cheating, plagiarism, and copying all come to mind when a student says they use AI, but this doesn’t have to be the case. AI,...

Caturday Study Halls were often packed with students taking advantage of the opportunity to work on assignments and bond with friends at the same time. So many students would come to the study halls that students began to sit on the floor. PHOTO COURTESY OF @HCPSS_WLHS

Lessons from Ms. Leonard

Michelle Boukanov, Molly Eagan, and Liz Cho November 19, 2024

Since our freshmen year, Wilde Lake has been our Ohana. Ms. Marcy Leonard ran events like Caturday Study Halls and Community Nights so students could connect with their community. This year, when we walked...

This year, the World Press Freedom Index (WPFI) dropped about 5% in the U.S. which is a continuing trend in the state of press freedom. The WPFI is a number that indicates where the U.S. stands among other countries regarding press freedoms. Since the early 2000s, the U.S. has dropped over 30 positions in their freedom ranking.

A threat to Journalism is a threat to you, too

Amy Manzanares, Editor-in-Chief November 19, 2024

Every year, Journalism is on the chopping block. With low enrollment in Journalism courses across the county, high school newspapers face class cut threats each year. This threat became a reality for Centennial. Centennial’s...

The graphic depicts a student going through a maze to try and find an open bathroom. Throughout the maze, the student encounters hall monitors, vapes, and closed bathrooms. This graphic demonstrates what it is currently like to try and find an open bathroom at Wilde Lake.

Locked Bathrooms Are the Wrong Solution to Student Misuse

Bella Horvath, News Editor May 28, 2024

During a seven hour school day, sometimes all I need to do is use the bathroom, but to do that, I have to participate in a confusing and unnecessary system. Wilde Lake introduced a new bathroom system...

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