Wilde Lake Administration Adds Sillers to the Team
Wishing to act as a backbone for the Wilde Lake community, after 16 years at Hammond, Mr. Sillers is ready to make his mark on Wilde Lake.
During his years at Hammond, Mr. Sillers was a social studies teacher focusing on United States History, World, Government, and Native American Cultures. Throughout his teaching career, Sillers also dedicated a good amount of his time to the fields. He coached baseball, football, and boys soccer at Hammond, Varsity baseball at Pallotti High School for two years, and Varsity Baseball at Oakland Mills High School for the past nine years. Now, he finds new fields to lend time to at Wilde Lake as he replaces Kareem Peen as Athletes and Activities Manager.
Mr. Sillers says he believes getting involved in your school community is one of the best things a student can do for themself. He says he is here to help everyone do that.
Athlete or not, Mr. Sillers believes that there is a place or club at Wilde Lake for everyone. “Not everyone is an athlete but everyone has interests,” he said.
Growing up as a Howard County student and athlete, Sillers says he is grateful that his new position as Wilde Lake’s Athletics and Activities manager gives him the opportunity to better students’ experiences.
“Being a part of clubs and being a part of sports gives people the opportunity to continue to stay motivated and continue to want to do well in terms of getting good grades, and making new friends,” he says.
Mr. Sillers strives to make all students feel important, in and out of sports and clubs.
At Wilde Lake now, Sillers makes his goal to act as a constant crutch for everyone in the community.
“I am always here to support you,” he said. “I am here to encourage you.”