Wilde Lake Cross Country Team is Small but Mighty
With Cross Country season in full swing, it’s time for teams to show that they haven’t been slacking off after a year of hybrid learning. This year’s team, made up of 20 or so runners, is small compared to other schools. But what they lack in size, they make up for in strength.
Unlike other sports, there are no tryouts for Cross Country, and everyone makes the team. That means that anyone who wants to join can be accepted onto the team. While some join to be competitors, others join for the team atmosphere and to build long-lasting friendships.
Colin Myers joined for his love of running, and he believes that the team helps him to be better. “Everyone is pushed more because of our size,” says Colin “I’ve never been intimidated by a team just because of its size.”
But not all members of the team agree that being smaller is a strength. According to Wilde Lake’s star runner, Henry Hopper, “It’s definitely a disadvantage because it’s harder to pull away at the start of races and sometimes we don’t even have enough to compete,” he says.
This hasn’t stopped them from beating other teams at cross country meets.
“Our team is quality over quantity,” said team captain Chris Withee, who believes that this team gets its strength from being tight knit.
Ben Walter agrees that it’s not all about winning. “I feel like cause our team is so small we interact with each other more and get to know each other better,” he said.