Wilde Lake Trio Graduates From Four Month Leadership U Program
Wilde Lake’s Ashley Maharaj, Matthew Santos, and Evan Schneider graduated this week from Leadership U. A four month program which allows incoming juniors in Howard County to practice leadership skills by discussing, identifying, and finding solutions for the problems within the community.
“We did a lot of community service to keep involved. It served as a way for us to expand our network and better our futures,” Maharaj says.
Maharaj, Santos, and Schneider were the only juniors at Wilde lake to be selected to part take in the program.” I was happy when I got selected. There was a lot of people who applied so it was an honor,” says Schneider.
Alongside his colleagues, Santos congratulates the trio on displaying their leadership skills. “A leader is someone who takes charge of their team and makes sure the job gets done and I think this program definitely allowed us to do that.”