This is a page from “My Lucky Day” – the book I reference which I frequently read with my parents when I was younger.
Just A Thought: On Columns
March 12, 2021
Sometimes, the weeks move like molasses. Each week stretches into the next, and each end of a day is closely followed by the start of another. This droning repetition is broken up by the things we carry excitement for – a sports game here, a concert there. From small events like a lunch with friends, to big events like taking a summer vacation, we enjoy life so much more when we have something to look forward to. We live each day from moment to moment, and most of all for these moments which we so joyously anticipate.
This is one reason why I wanted to start a column, to give us all something to await at the end of each week. Especially when looking forward to something that is far in the future – such as graduating high school – it’s good to have something to look forward to in the meantime. It can be calming to have that one thing each week that you can count on. This consistency can be reassuring, especially as we live through a time with so much uncertainty.
Throughout the pandemic, every instance has seemed a question, rather than a statement. There is constant deliberation over whether we are ready to lift capacity limits, when we should wear a mask, and if events have to be entirely cancelled or merely postponed. However, a column published virtually at the same time each week can readily serve as a life raft in this sea of unreliability.
Of course, the first thing I needed to do was to come up with a name. While I am an immense fan of alliteration, “Sarah’s Stories” or something of the sort just didn’t have the creativity or meaning that I was searching for. I wanted a name for this project that would be wholly representative of all that I wanted it to be – a connection. But then again, I wanted a title that would make sense, and not be completely abstract.
That’s where “Just A Thought” came in. When I was younger, my mom and I used to read a book called, “My Lucky Day” quite a lot. The basic premise of the book was that a fox wanted to eat a pig, but the pig kept outsmarting him to get more food, a massage, and a bath. Every time the pig had another sly suggestion for the fox, he would follow it with the phrase, “Just a thought, Mr. Fox.”
For as long as I can remember, that phrase has been a staple in my household. Whenever one of us has any sort of suggestion, we are always quick to say, “Just a thought, Mr. Fox!” in reference to our beloved children’s book. It always puts a smile on my face, and feels fitting for the series of opinions I will be writing, as that really is all they are: just a thought.
When you think about it, a single thought can help so much in getting you through the day. Whether it was something you read or a compliment from a friend, that one instance can change the entire course of your day for the better. I strongly believe that we need to have more moments like this, more positivity, to help each other feel happier, stronger, and more motivated to just keep going.
So, for the next eleven weeks, I’ll be publishing a brief weekly column on a variety of topics I believe we should all spend a little more time thinking about. I hope this column will give you something to eagerly await each week and keep you from feeling stagnant while we wait for this surreal school year to come to a close, and for things to move forward. While it is so easy to feel like time is running away from you as you stand still, let this serve as something to look forward to as an end to each week.
I would love if any of what I write reaches you in some small way, whether that be by broadening your perspective, or showing you that there are others out here thinking the exact same way you do. While getting lost in virtual media can make it seem like everyone is out there living a perfect life, I can assure you that the vast majority of us are not, and we are right there with you. I am right there with you.