On Friday, March 10, one hour before curtain of the second night of “Legally Blonde,” a line has already formed in the rain outside of the Jim Rouse Theater. Friday and Saturday night’s shows had sold out after a nearly full house on Thursday.
This was Wilde Lake’s first time producing “Legally Blonde.” The musical follows a UCLA graduate Elle Woods, a larger-than-life blonde whose love for her ex-boyfriend attracts her to Harvard Law School.
For the first time since “Guys and Dolls” in March 2020, the musical features a music pit led by choir director Mr. Crouch.
After a successful opening night, the cast, crew, and pit prepared for a full house tonight.
“The actors have really taken on their roles and embodied their characters,” said assistant stage manager Gabby Oshadiya. “And crew has made such an impact on the success of the show.”
This is Ms. Padgett’s first musical as director at Wilde Lake after being technical director from 2019 through 2022.
“I feel like I won the lottery getting to be director here at Wilde Lake,” said Ms. Padgett.